About 7 years ago at one of my better weights (155 lbs) I was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia. Quite the opposite of Diabetes. But none the less an insulin problem. My father has diabetes and his sister died of complications of diabetes and obesity.
I was tired all the time and sometimes would go through bouts of depression for no reason at all. After testing the Doctor diagnosed me and I went on my way. He said that I was overweight and needed to eat healthy. There was not much of an explanation as to what this scientific name meant but I walked away knowing I had to head his advice.
I found this article today that shed a lot of light and I wished I was given more information in the past or would have researched it more back then.
Here is the article below that totally explains why all of those symptoms have completely gone away since I have been eating clean! The difference is amazing. I am not having spontaneous food cravings, bouts of feeling under the weather for no reason at all, and my insomnia is gone completely. If you have Hypoglycemia this may be a cure all for you!
Article - How To Cure Hypoglycemia Permanently!
Cure For Hypoglycemia - Hypoglycemia is a condition that results from having low blood sugar. The symptoms of hypoglycemia can include food cravings, weakness, depression, insomnia, etc.
Technically, hypoglycemia can be "cured" by returning the blood sugar level to normal range and this can be done with a simple change of diet.
Fatal Mistake In Diet!
Many people like the idea of treating hypoglycemia with cakes, potato chips, candy, chocolates, etc...in an attempt to raise their sugar level back to normal level. There is nothing wrong with the attempt as it does work in raising your sugar level - but only for short period of time!
When you take in food high in carbohydrates or sugar, your body will sense a SHARP increase in blood sugar level. As a result, your pancreas will overreact and produce high amounts of insulin to break down the food, and your sugar level will plummet right down again!
Once again you symptoms come back and you are forced to repeat the traumatic experience again...and again...and again. Sounds familiar?
Cure For Hypoglycemia - The RIGHT Diet Plan!
The key idea here is gradual. You want to keep your sugar level at a constant level, you don't want it to spike up and down without control. You don't want you body to overreact by producing high amounts of insulin.
The only way you can achieve the above results is to eat small but frequent meals. The normal diet plan of 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) CANNOT work for hypoglycemia and it is often the main source of your problems.
Have a least 5-6 meals a day and ensure that your diet consists of proteins and carbohydrates. There is a common misconception that carbohydrates and sugar are bad for hypoglycemia...this is FALSE!
Carbohydrates are our main source of energy, this is an undeniable fact. They provide you with the energy you need to function throughout the day. The trick here however, is that you need to slow down your body's absorption of carbohydrates and this is where protein comes in. Protein slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar into our bloodstream.
Ensure that you diet consists of a healthy mix of complex carbohydrates and proteins. These foods will not cause a drastic rise in your blood sugar level; instead, they are broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream gradually - which is what you are trying to achieved!
Cure For Hypoglycemia - The Important Points!
You need to understand that hypoglycemia is not as simple as raising your blood sugar level. For a normal person, regardless of what he/she eats, the body can produce the RIGHT amount of insulin and have no problems regulating the blood sugar level.
But when you suffer from hypoglycemia, your body has problems achieving optimal blood sugar control. For some unknown reasons, the body overreacts and releases too much insulin - and this is what it means to be hypoglycemic! You are not mad. It's not in your head. It's not caused by stress.
All you need to do is to assist you body in regulating the blood sugar level and that is done by modifying your diet - it really is that simple!
You don't have to be depressed. You can still meet people. You can still work. You can still have a peaceful sleep. You can still have fun. You can still have a normal life. All you need to do is to learn how to change your diet plaan